I've made the decision with myself to begin a hair journey, not just for "longer hair" but so that my hair can be as healthy as possible. Now, if with that comes longer hair, then I'm all for it. Becoming a mom has guided to me want a healthier lifestyle for myself and my family and this is one of the steps I'm taking. After months of watching countless "gurus" on YouTube I took the initial step and joined the hair forum website www.K-I-S-S.biz. They give you the basics to build your personalized hair regimen and to find out what works for you. I've documented the issues I have with my hair and set short, mid and long term goals for myself. Although I haven't officially started my regimen yet, I do plan to blog my journey, so stay tuned!
What issues do I have with my hair?!
-It's thin, dry and breaks at my shoulders
What are my hair goals?!
-Short term: full shoulder length in 3-6 months
-Mid term: arm pit or bra strap length in 12 months
-Long term: bra length or mid back length in 24 months
-Overall: healthier hair!
-It's thin, dry and breaks at my shoulders
What are my hair goals?!
-Short term: full shoulder length in 3-6 months
-Mid term: arm pit or bra strap length in 12 months
-Long term: bra length or mid back length in 24 months
-Overall: healthier hair!
Wish me luck!